Second Semester Perfect Attendance Award! Be sure to be present EVERY school day. No Absences of any kind to be entered. No Unexcused or Excused Absences. There will be a lottery drawing for awards. All grade levels are eligible. Each Six Weeks students will have an opportunity to earn a ticket for the 2025 Spring Perfect Attendance Award. Award will only be based on Attendance. Grand Prize Award Winner: TV. Runner up Award Winner: Amazon Fire 7 tablet.
about 23 hours ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Amazon Fire 7 tablet
The 5th Six Weeks Grading Period Starts on Tuesday, February 18th! Monday (2/17) is a school holiday for students/staff. "Roy Johnson STEM Academy B.A.R.K.s" Newsletter link -
1 day ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Happy Valentine's Day! On a special day like today, Roy Johnson STEM Academy would like to say, it is students, parents, and staff that add joy to our school. Thank you for being you!
4 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Be Mine
Rock Cycle Comics! Instructor Franz's students made comic strip stories about the rock cycle. Students are proud of their creative and talented work. Check out some of the great works that combine storytelling, artwork, and science terminology!
4 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Rock Cycle
Rock Cycle
Rock Cycle
Rock Cycle
Valentine's Dance Volunteers! Thank you so much for your incredible dedication as a dance volunteer! Your time and passion truly helped make our event a success. We couldn't have done it without you, and we appreciate your willingness to share your love of students and time with our Roy Johnson STEM community.
4 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Snacks at the Dance
Snacks at the Dance
Snacks at the Dance
Snacks at the Dance
Kindness Matters! One of Instructor Franz's student made a poster to remind students to be kind. This student is demonstrating our B.A.R.K. schoolwide expectations. B.A.R.K. stands for Be Respectful, Act Responsible, Remember Safety, Kindness Matters.
4 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Spread Love, not hate Let's make kindness our trait
Valentine's Dance! It is tonight. Students have gotten their tickets today. Please make sure that your student is wearing their ticket to enter the dance. School Dress Code must be followed. School rules still apply at the dance. Looking forward to the dance!
5 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Dance Ticket
6th Grade English! Instructor Burciaga's students work on STAAR vocabulary foldables, students practice understanding STAAR vocabulary in preparation for April!
5 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
⭐ STAAR Testing - April 2025! See flyer for dates. Reading and Math tests are taken at all grade levels. 8th Graders will take Science and Social Studies tests. If an 8th grader is in Algebra, then the student will take the Algebra test. ⭐
5 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Johnson STEM Academy Upcoming STAAR Testing Dates April 2025
Benchmark results! Instructor Lee's students are re- reading passages and analyzing data from the 7th Grade Reading Benchmark to identify patterns, trends and misconceptions.
5 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Visit with Valdez! This morning we had coffee & cookies. Principal Valdez, AP McNease, and AP Zavala enjoyed meeting with parents to discuss upcoming Events, STAAR Testing, Attendance, E-Safety, B.A.R.K. school expectations, tour E-Sports, & answer some great questions.
5 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Visit with Valdez!
Attendance Matters! See flyer.
5 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Attendance Procedures
E-Safety! Parents help your student stay safe online. See flyer.
5 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Valentine's Dance! Location @ Roy Johnson STEM Academy, Date: Thursday, February 13th, Time: 6:00-9:00 PM, See Flyer for more details.
5 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Johnson STEM Academy Presents Thursday, February 13th 6:00-9:00 PM Valentine's Day Dance Snacks Music Fun Dance Purchase Tickets online at General Admission $5 General Admission and Snacks $10
Visit with Valdez! Date: Thursday February 13, 2025; Time: 9:30-10:30am; Location Roy Johnson STEM Academy
6 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Visit with Valdez
Visit with Valdez
Remember to purchase your tickets for the Dance! If you have already purchased tickets, then you will get your ticket at the door.
6 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Valentine's Dance!  Location @ Roy Johnson STEM Academy, Date: Thursday, February 13th, Time: 6:00-9:00 PM, See Flyer for more details.
📝Benchmark corrections! Instructor Burciaga's students are going over the benchmark exams in class. Students analyze which objectives they missed by writing out the standard and why they chose the answer. Learning from mistakes helps students gain new knowledge.📝
6 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Benchmark corrections!
6th Grade Advisory! Instructor Jackson's students are hard at work during advisory class. Students are working on iXLs. See the image for the advisory iXL schedule.
6 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Advisory work!
Advisory work
Advisory work
Advisory Weekly Schedule
Valentine's Dance! Location @ Roy Johnson STEM Academy, Date: Thursday, February 13th, Time: 6:00-9:00 PM, See Flyer for more details.
7 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Valentine's Dance!  Location @ Roy Johnson STEM Academy, Date: Thursday, February 13th, Time: 6:00-9:00 PM, See Flyer for more details.
Visit with Valdez! Date: Thursday February 13, 2025; Time: 9:30-10:30am; Location Roy Johnson STEM Academy
8 days ago, Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Visit with Valdez Date: Thursday February 13, 2025; Time: 9:30-10:30am; Location Roy Johnson STEM Academy
Visit with Valdez Date: Thursday February 13, 2025; Time: 9:30-10:30am; Location Roy Johnson STEM Academy